amnesiac hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:
QuoteAskaraov to SJ
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QuoteAskaraov to SJ
amnesiac hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:
QuoteDisplay MoreP.Laine to MTL
J.Harris to CLB
P.Broberg, D.Holloway to STL
C.Ceci to SJS
V.Podkolzin to EDM
A.Nylander to TOR
O.Kylington to COL
R.Johansen removed from PHI
amnesiac hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:
QuoteDisplay More*replace local.viv in /fe folder for "Utah Hockey Club"
signings and trades up to July 20 ->
- a few more rookies added
- updated jersey numbers
- updated Team Slovakia
I have a .bat that I use to import the strings. Maybe it has to be that.
I can try, thanks
these are great.... are they avaialble for download yet?
For some reason my game crashes when I try to play with Team Russian at home... any suggestions?
may be something in NHLview
Export the two English files from the "local" file in the "fe" folder. Then use the string editor. Find "Arizona" and change it to "Utah" find "Coyotes" and change it to "Hockey Club"
hmm, game crashed on startup.
Exported the 2 english files (BigGUI), opened both with String Editor, changed all the names, saved, imported the 2 files back in local.viv, clicked Rebuild, and copied back to /gamedata folder. (ran BHimport)
Anyone have an update for RUS ice and arena? my game crashes when trying to play with Russia at home.
No idea why
It looks a little different, it's in lower case. I'll screenshot it tonight when I get a chance
Got it! thanks a lot.
Would you happen to know how to chance the Arizona Coyotes name in the menu (to Utah)? this involves opening local.viv in hex editor, correct?
or is this very complicated?
You need to rename the "XXX" to match the String ID in NHLView. So in NHLView, whichever slot Seattle is in will have a String ID in the Data section. For example, my Seattle is in the Eastern All Star slot so the String ID says EAS. Rename the XXX to EAS. Then, you will have use Hex Editor Neo to change the files inside the .big file to EAS as well.
thanks for the refresher..... still cant get it to work, though. My string is WES, so I renamed all the files in the hex editor from XXX to WES (both files)
Do I need to open in BigGUI as well to export the fsh files?
Have you hexedited the files .ebo within the big-file ?
oh right, havent done that in so long... Ill have to look at Samby's tutorial
Curious if anyone will be tackling this at some point? this summer or October?
Peedy20 hat eine neue Datei hinzugefügt:
Peedy20March 7, 2023 at 3:12 AM
Hi, are the 229_00 and 01.big supposed to be the Seattle torfs?
I tired renaming them JERS_WES_00 and 01.big for my roster, but still dont appear.... are there no .fsh files associated with them?
I did it as you said - I just copied all 3 files to NHL main folder a then I ran the .bat file. I really dont understand why it does not work.
What roster do you have? If you use Elite roster 2021-22 too, maybe it could help if you send me the system files related with jerseys - I mean, jerapt.viv (from Fe folder) and, jerseys.viv (from gamedata folder). But I am not an expert which all file are affected by change of jerseys/torfs. Therefore some other files are needed. What do you mean?
One again thank you a lot for your help!!
Hi, curious if you ever found a fix for this..... I also cannot et the torfs to show when choosing your team. thx
I noticed that its only the JERS_XXX.big files... I thought you also needed JERS_XXX.fsh
Hey, has anyone made the medium and small logos for Seattle? thx
can anyone explain why this isnt installing correctly?
Also why the international arena boards are NHL format? (players are skating through)
I created 2 Legends teams in my roster with facepack/cybers also available
amnesiac hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:
QuoteJuly 3-4 signings
amnesiac hat eine neue Version hinzugefügt:
QuoteJuly 2nd updates (up to Tyler Motte to DET)