Vegas arena problem

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Dein Wasserlasser Team
  • I know people like Kings1171 don't even like mentioning the name "Vegas" ^^ , but I want to ask anyway...

    I see posts talking about the issue with the Bell Centre appearing in the Vegas arena but the threads are all pretty old. So,is there no solution for this? It's not a huge deal, but searching is getting me nowhere. And a person I spoke to said it wasn't doable to use the real Vegas arena. Just wanna check.

  • I know people like Kings1171 don't even like mentioning the name "Vegas" ^^ , but I want to ask anyway...

    I see posts talking about the issue with the Bell Centre appearing in the Vegas arena but the threads are all pretty old. So,is there no solution for this? It's not a huge deal, but searching is getting me nowhere. And a person I spoke to said it wasn't doable to use the real Vegas arena. Just wanna check.

    What I did using A's base for my roster. Is I removed LEGENDS from the game and I rename Montreal Canadiens to Canadiens1 and VGK to VGK1. ID and ART and GRAPHICS to match. I hate VGK so I never use it.

    GO KINGS GO!!!


    Community member of TBN since 2012 (Contributor)

    Wasserlasser community member since 2015 (Contributor)

    "Still making NHL 2009 as great as ever"8o8)

  • I hate VGK so I never use it.

    I know. ;) I admire your dedication to hating them.

    Ok, I'll give that a go then. Have to figur eout how to get the stadium art and where to put it but I'm sure there are guides around here.

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