How to make the game harder? I edited every player to make it happen, but...

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  • So... I want to start with saying that I have an all custom made roster.

    I have edited every single NHL team players myself and created a kind of all time dream team for every NHL team. I Enjoy this type of roster and I don't want to change it to an up to date roster.

    The game have been okay to play, but a bit too easy. So I thought I'd make the game harder by editing every single player in NHLview to a better overall player.

    To make that happen, almost every player became a "sniper" in game, they are not power forwards or danglers anymore.

    I don't know if that has something to do with it... I just increased the values for the player, in order to make him better.

    So that is what I have done...

    I thought this would make the game harder, but instead I think the game became easier.

    The CPU players are shooting the puck from a distance, and hardly creating a scoring chance anymore. I can pretty much do whatever I want on the ice without them attacking me.

    It feels like they were more aggressive on me before.

    I rather not reset all the individual settings for each player, since I still want Sidney Crosby to be a much better player than Espen Knutsen, for example...

    So what should I do to make the game harder and the CPU to be more aggressive on both me and on goal, without ruining the status quo between the players?

    I'm in much need of help...

  • So I used NHLview to decrease the value on slap shot accuracy and wrist shot accuracy, sp not almost everyone in game is a sniper.

    Now some more are danglers, playmakers and power forwards.

    I don't know if that really makes a difference in how the players act on the ice or not, but I imagine a power forward is more aggressive in his game play than a sniper for example.

    I can't really tell if this change actually made the players play any more aggressive on me or not tho.. hard to tell.

    I remember some years back on the old forums, someone had some kind of manual on how to make the game harder

    and he also provided some files to put in the game data folder he had modified. I did that, and it made a difference, but now it kinda feels like I am back on square one and want the game to be even harder again.

    Do any of you have any tips on what I can do to make the game play harder? Maybe the key isn't in changing the player attributes? Maybe it is in some game settings, like game speed, hits, etc.?

    I am open for any ideas that might help me get the games harder or maybe the players to play more aggressive.

  • I recommend downloading Captain Mazda's AI you can find it on the forms. Another thing is yes, having ALL snipers will affect the game, at least from my point as I regularly play dynasty mode, the chemistry is off, and it's good to have a mix of playmakers, power forwards, etc.

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