I recently attempted to install portrait addons I made for NHL 08 and NHL 09, both of which resulted in unusual activity (i.e., game crashes)
I tried a few things to try and get them to work, for example:
- Using FshX to import a png created using Photoshop's default settings for that type into the fsh file (which I did with the NHL 09 portrait).
- Doing the same with a DDS file of the DXT5 type (which I did for the NHL 08 portrait).
- Giving myself full control of the NHL 08 and 09 folders.
- Putting choice.exe into the main game folder, then moving it to a new folder (rather than deleting it, since the last thing I want to do is consistently go back to System32 in order to grab the file again)
Yet, all ended up with the same result; the games crashe any time they try to load the portrait.
How screwed am I?
2814.zip This is the portrait I made for NHL 08, featuring a fictional player named Raiden Miura.
0604.zip This is the portrait I made for NHL 09, featuring a fictional player named Rudik Zakaryan.
If anyone has any luck installing these addons for their respective games, please let me know what I did wrong.