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Enjoy the site. Your team
In order to make sure that everything is translated correctly and that we did not miss anything we need your help. We need your help to check for accuracy and for missing translations.
Don't be shy. Let us know if you found a problem or if there is anything we need to fix. We can only improve the site and fix mistakes with your help.
Your Wasserlasser Team
LITTLE CAESARS ARENA for Detroit Red Wings, season 2023-24
Elite Roster 2023/24 and Amnesiac's Roster compatibility
-new jumbotron
-authentic season boards
-fans (lower, upper seats)
-authentic roof banners
1. Copy gamedata folder to your NHL 09 folder
2. The copy BHimport23.bat, crowd010.fsh and Installer.bat to NHL 09 Folder
3. Run Installer.bat
4. Run BHimport23.bat
Created by Kane98
Version 1.0.0
Kane98 -
September 17, 2023 at 11:16 PM -
3.18 MB -