S7 UFA Frenzy

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  • Here's a quick step by step procedure to submit bids during UFA Frenzy.

    For the newbies, don't worry it's very pretty basic once you have gone through it a couple times.



    Before you start each round, check your cap space here:

    VHA S7 UFA Frenzy - Team cap space per round

    Some teams have high profile unsigned RFAs.

    GMs should have a ballpark figure for these players and you are expected to have a reasonable amount leftover to sign these players. If you need help assessing the value of your unsigned RFAs, feel free to ask one of the admins. We will be happy to help you with this.


    1) Unzip and extract all contents to your desktop (or any folder on your PC)

    2) Run Faeditor124.exe

    3) Select your team from the drop down menu


    NOTE: You may get an Error message that says: "Couldnt find Vitals File, some features may not be available". Just click OK to skip this message.

    NOTE: You may get a 2nd Error message that says: "Scoring.htm not found, Show Last season stats not available". Just click OK to skip this message.

    4) You should see a list of UFAs for this batch. Scroll down the list and start shopping.


    Double-click on a player, another box will open.


    5) Enter Salary in millions, ie. 10 represents $10M (also, 1.275 represents $1.275M -- 0.75 represents $750k)

    5.1) Minimum NHL amount is 0.7 ($700k). Maximum amount of 20% of the VHA Cap amount (16,8M)

    5.11) Minimum AHL amount is 0.07 ($70k).

    5.2) Enter Years, from 1 to 5.

    5.3) Enter Bonus amount: bonus cannot exceed 50% of the yearly salary offered.

    5.4) Enter pertinent comments for player: There's limited character space, so keep it brief.

    5.5) Click OK to continue.

    6) When you're done making offers, click DONE. A file will called teamname.txt will be generated, ie. ANA.txt. You must email this file to the commissioner in order to register your offer.



    There will be an update every 24 hours, with additional players added to each round.

    Some players will sign quickly when offers are generous (see SIGNED.txt)

    Some will wait for better offers and will remain unsigned and available next round.

    An * next to the team name indicates the leading bid.


    -Offers outstanding count towards your cap spending. Meaning, if your offer was not high enough for the player to sign, those carry to the next round until the player signs.

    -You must retract your offer in order to get that money back to spend on a different player.

    -You can retract your offer if you aren't leading (your team has no * next to it).

    -Select the player and use the RETRACT option in the FA Editor program.


    PLEASE remember that you can only make offers within your available total cap space.

    This is very important. If you exceed your cap amount, ALL your offers will be void for that round.

    This happens AT LEAST once every year. So be careful, keep track of your offers and stay within your budget.

    Feel free to ask anyone that has used this program before for help.

    -- OTHER INFO --

    Multiple round process

    There will be 6 or 7 rounds of UFA madness this season/

    With every new round, a new batch of about 30 to 40 UFA players become available to listen to offers.

    Transitional Tags

    The 1st round will include all players with a TT (along with a batch of other UFAs).

    TTs typically sign at the end of Round 1 and a decision will be made prior to the start of round 2.

    1 way and 2 way contracts

    1 way deals are assumed.

    Use the Comments section to identify if your offer is a 2-way deal:

    VHA Admins

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