NHL 07 PSP Updating

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  • Almost two years ago have passed since there is a public way to update NHL 07 for PSP, including texture, rosters and more. Check here, for the whole story read that thread since the beginning.

    Now I have attached an edited aidata.viv. aidata.viv-NHL07 PSP.zip

    This custom aidata.viv gives you the next features:

    1) Faceoffs are harder to win for the user.
    2) CPU opposition is also harder to beat. CPU plays better and for the user is more difficult to score goals.
    3) Goalies keep the puck more frequently. They do not attempt to always pass the puck.

    Just replace the stock aidata.viv file -make a backup first- inside PSP_GAME/USRDIR/gamedata and rebuild your iso via UMDGen.

    Do not forget to choose the difficult skill level before playing. That is the one I worked on. In my opinion, playing the game is much more fun with this tweak. Hope you like it!
    Give it a try and share your comments.

    Thanks to Vojghi for his tips to edit aidata.viv!

    For people interested in updates for NHL 07 for PSP, we have a discord server for that. You are welcome to join us.


  • Adjust the game sliders to your own taste. I do not expect any issue.

    My tests were done with the sliders below:

    • RULES: Period length: 5 min, Penalties: 2, Fighting: 1, Offsides: Delayed, Icing: On, 2-line pass: Off, Hero rating: Off, Injuries: On, Assistant Coach editing lines: Minimal.
    • MASTER SETTINGS: Injuries: 2. Do no touch the other sliders here, we will set it through the sliders in the groups below.
    • SKATING: Game speed: 1, Speed burst: 2, Fatigue recovery: 4, Player acceleration: 2, Puck control: 0, Fatigue effect: 5.
    • CHECKING: Hitting power: 2, Hitting difficulty: 7, Aggression: 7.
    • PASSING, SHOOTING and DEFENSE: All sliders here -passing, shooting and defense- are set to zero.
    • DUMPING: Dump speed: 2, Dump height: 1, Soft dump speed: 1, Soft dump height: 2.
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