Current State of Hockey: USA vs Canada, the World Cup, Bedard, Damar Hamlin + MORE !!!!!

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Dein Wasserlasser Team
  • Hey guys, Alps here.


    I think we need to talk.

    About the current state of hockey, that is!

    Guys, listen. The World Cup was crazy. CRAZY! i think you all know that already though... Kings1171 knows that better than anyone! Now lets also think about bedard and the AMAZING save he made to win the USA game against canada...

    How does a goalie even perform that well?

    Now, if you think about it, that's probably exactly how DeMar Hamlin DeRozan got injured in his recent bout. The Raptors NEED him. Ultimately, this is going to effect the NHL 09 moddings scene Greatly...

    We need to Come Together and put a stop to the Risky Business. Imagine what will happen if NHL moddings is no more because they are Dominant against us and we are left Desperate and Begging for their mercy!

    NHL modding, NHL moddings, NHl modding.




    Let's Go Rangers

  • The World Cup game was so crazy! I almost teared when Messi scored. (Messi>Ronaldo>Mbappe)

    Bedard went crazy---USA only got Bronze though :( Shane Wright also playing crazy. OUR RANGERS PLAYER BRENNAN OTHMANN is holding up GREATLY!!!! ON THE FIRst line for the Canada World Juniormints. team.

    Othmann - Wright - Bedard. Nothing better. EXCEPT. Othmann lowkey underpreforming with only 4 points. BUT HE WILL BE GOOD!!. We got something promising in Othmann, mann. (Logan Stankoven and Joshua Roy too!!!)

    Demar Hamlin (HE WON THE GAME OF LIFE!!!!) is ok I think, but the Raptors???? Wrong sport? (i think)

    I hope none of this doesn't not affect any of the moddings scenes for NHL 09, I would be very sad.