can someone just tell me the name of the Ice for the Ducks in the icepacks?

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  • Hey everyone,

    thanks for your efforts to keep this game alive. I really appreciate it.

    So, I had this 23-24 HD icepack installed and i like it very much. There is only 1 thing i don't like and that is the Ducks ice.
    I hate anniversary ices or courts where there is no teamlogo but some dumb anniversary logo instead.
    Thats why i want to replace just the ice of the ducks with the ice from another icepack.

    So my guess was, just unpack the ICE.fsh with the number of the ducks before using any addoninstaller or bhimport.

    Problem is, how do I figure out which of these is the one of the Ducks?

    Can anyone tell me what number is the Ducks ice?

    I will appreciate it really much, thank you