Hello, looks like I found the place after being told by EA all summer that NHL '24 would be on PC, but when the pre-release order page showed up, they of course lied to us all summer, they didn't even apologize, just a (Not available on PC or Switch)

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  • So I went back to where I downloaded AI (greatly ameliorating) sliders patches, which made the console versions still even more inferior and lineup updates on breakaway forums only to see the place died, not too surprised, but I'm glad to have found this place! It made NHL '06 so amazing, so many sliders I had no idea what they did even, so it was good times indeed. Last consoles I bought were a Gamecube (NHL '05-06 on it were the closest to PC in graphics and computer intelligence strangely, at least the difference was still massive between the superior PC version of NHL '06 over '06 on PS2. I played '06 for 5 years worth of lineup updates and about 25 seasons but got sick of it, I didn't give '08 or '09 the time of day because despite the possibility of much stronger hardware than a ps3 or xbox 360, '09 was not a full graphical revamp unlike how it was for those consoles, just a copypaste job of '07 in those last 3 years, I liked '07 too but there weren't as many patches made for it and I didn't like some of the few things they changed from '06.

    I'll try both what is most worked on (NHL '04) for PC coming with the all the latest updates and will do the same for '09, I think I found the correct place. Because, I will break and buy a ps4 (while they are still cheap compared to the ps5, thanks to covid, Sony have 2 main consoles rolling at once, but I doubt they will release NHL 25 on PS4, so it might be the last time. I was so mad when I read EA gaslighted us all summer saying NHL '24 was coming for PC and then it wasn't. I've modded snes roms and other PC games in the past so I think I'll be able to find my way through here :)

    Thanks for what you do, PC gamers are ignored on the NHL side of things while even PGA Tour is on all consoles and PC......this is ridiculous, but I might have a good time with your work here. I'll look into updating '09 and play some exhibition games, I haven't played an NHL game since 2011 and it was when the friend I split periods with as we played the same dynasty (not the kind of friend who would have been good to play against, if he would have lost against me, his pride would have had him going nuts and likely leaving my house mad lol, so it was better this way) to rekindle myself with the game, but it shouldn't be too hard, the no-PC releases, I include 09 in that category since it wasn't a big upgrade/revamp like 09 was on consoles, even if it's on PC..I'll play it because it's likely still the graphically best looking one and I bet you guys have AI patches for it here, all this to say, I been playing since it wasn't approved by the NHL and it was called NHLPA 92 on Sega Genesis, the OG game, year after I had a super nintendo and nhl 93 but my friends and people here old enough might remember how superior Genesis versions were in the early days, I'd beat the computer 21-1 on SNES but on Genesis on NHL '94, the goalies were reacting much better (no kissing of the poles, that helps a lot), so you can tell I am in withdrawal from chel these days, I'm very glad to have found this forum/site 8)