Welcome to www.wasserlasser.com
You will need to register in order to use this site. After you registered, you can download files, you can post in the forum and you will be part of the community.
You can find help in the lexicon under "first steps" in case you have any questions.
Enjoy the site. Your www.wasserlasser.com team
You will need to register in order to use this site. After you registered, you can download files, you can post in the forum and you will be part of the community.
You can find help in the lexicon under "first steps" in case you have any questions.
Enjoy the site. Your www.wasserlasser.com team
As you’ve probably noticed, this site is multilingual.
This means we translate the site into different languages, add new features, and make changes from time to time.
We need your help to ensure that all translations are accurate and that missing language variables are corrected.
Don’t be shy – let us know if you find a problem or if something needs improvement. It’s only with your help that we can make the site better and fix any errors.
Thank you for your support!
The Wasserlasser Team
This means we translate the site into different languages, add new features, and make changes from time to time.
We need your help to ensure that all translations are accurate and that missing language variables are corrected.
Don’t be shy – let us know if you find a problem or if something needs improvement. It’s only with your help that we can make the site better and fix any errors.
Thank you for your support!
The Wasserlasser Team
General information about the site -
Battle Worlds: Kronos
Tips and tricks for Battle Worlds: Kronos -
Eishockey Manager 2009
Help for the Eishockey Manager 2009 -
Hockey Manager 20|20
Help for the Hockey Manager 20|20 -
NHL 09
Information and help for NHL 09
Deutsch Eishockey Manager 20|20 Editor Anleitung
Deutsch Eishockey Manager 2009 EHM 2009 Wappen erstellen
Deutsch Eishockey Manager 20|20 Eishockey Manager 2020 - Roster 2024
Deutsch General information Erste Schritte
Deutsch NHL 09 Erste Schritte um AddOns zu installieren
Deutsch NHL 09 Erstellen von "handgezeichneten" Torwartschonern in Photoshop
Deutsch Battle Worlds: Kronos Explorer (Leichte Einheit)
Deutsch Battle Worlds: Kronos House of Telit
English NHL 09 How and where should I install NHL 09?
English General information How can I add downloads/files to the Filebase
English NHL 09 How do I create and import my own team logo?
English NHL 09 How to change a torf name?
English NHL 09 How to install the Soundfile with the German commentators
English NHL 09 How to operate NHL06 Streams Editor
English NHL 09 How to use the pen tool
Deutsch Battle Worlds: Kronos Hunter (Leichte Einheit)
O (Sequel)
Deutsch General information Warum kann ich nichts aus der Datenbank runter laden?
Deutsch General information Was gibt es alles auf der Website?
English General information What is available on the Website?
English NHL 09 Why can I not download anything?
English General information Why can't I download anything from the Filebase?
Deutsch Wie installiere ich die Sounddatei der Zuschauer?
Deutsch Wie installiere ich die Sounddatei mit der Deutschen Sprachausgabe?
Deutsch General information Wie lade ich Daten in die Datenbank hoch?
Deutsch Wie öffne ich die Datei faces.viv?
Deutsch NHL 09 Wie und wo soll ich NHL 09 installieren?